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Autism Spectrum: Supports for Children and Youth
Posted in: Blog, Massage, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Speech-Language PathologyThe Ontario Autism Program (OAP) supports families of children and youth on the autism spectrum. Individuals under 18 years of age who live in Ontario and have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by a qualified professional are eligible…

Presence and Mindfulness
Posted in: Blog, PsychologyThe new year always brings a certain degree of reflection. Where have we come, where are we going, and what are our resolutions for a “better” year? Being thoughtful and having goals is important no doubt. At the same time,…

Back to School and Mental Health: Working Together During Unprecedented Times
Posted in: Blog, PsychologyThere is something that is so special to me about back to school. I’ve always loved it. As a kid I always loved my big school supply shop in August (still do!). I loved the fall air and cozy clothes,…