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Home Exercises – Do I Have To?
Posted in: Orthopaedic & Sports PhysiotherapyIs it a struggle to convince your child or teen to do their physiotherapy homework? Is it hard to fit the exercises into the daily routine? You are not alone if you feel this way; many parents find it challenging…

Travel Size, Please!
Posted in: Occupational TherapyMany of your children’s favorite board games, such as Trouble, Hungry Hungry Hippos and Connect 4, are now available in travel size. Not only are they usually cheaper than their regular sized counterparts, but they often come packaged in compact…

Tips To Build Language in Everyday Situations
Posted in: Speech-Language PathologyPart 1: Talking at the Grocery Store With today’s busy schedules, it is not always possible to set aside time each day to work on your child’s communication skills. Luckily, communication is part of everything we do and it is…