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    Spring Walk, Let’s Talk

    Posted in: Speech-Language Pathology

    With spring just around the corner, outdoor walks and visits to the park will soon be a part of daily routine for families. These experiences can provide many opportunities for language growth including the introduction of new vocabulary and a…

    Torticollis Awareness

    Posted in: Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapy

    Does your baby always look in the same direction? Does your baby tilt his/her head to one side? Does your baby have a flat spot on his/her head? If so, read on!   What is Torticollis? The term torticollis means…

    10 Ways to Foster Healthy Emotion Regulation

    Posted in: Psychology

    Emotion regulation is one particularly complex but essential area for parents to become more familiar. The term relates to a series of regulatory processes individuals use to maintain, change, inhibit, and increase their emotional responses and reactions. Emotion regulation is…
