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    An Affordable and Accessible Pencil Weight

    Posted in: Occupational Therapy

    An Occupational Therapist may have recommended a weighted pencil for your child.  Use of a weighted pencil can provide benefits in the following areas: Pencil Pressure: Children who struggle with limited hand strength often exert little force when they write,…


    Posted in: Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapy

    “W-sit” is a term used to describe a sitting position in which children sit on the floor with their bottom between bent legs and their legs rotated so they are facing away from their body. Their legs form a “W”…

    Picking Toys that Foster Language Development

    Posted in: Speech-Language Pathology

    Play is an essential tool for language development.  During play, children learn to express their thoughts and ideas and use language to communicate their needs and wants.  They also practice essential social interaction skills such as how to get along…
