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Gross Motor Milestones: 0-12 Months
Posted in: Neurodevelopmental PhysiotherapyBabies develop at their own pace, it’s not a race! The first year of your child’s life is a busy time, and an important time for babies to learn, explore, and reach developmental milestones. Most babies reach milestones at similar…

Teen Brain Development
Posted in: PsychologyFrom the newly published results of a TDSB student census of middle school and high school students, to recent articles in New York Magazine and Slate detailing the lasting impact of high school experiences, it seems like we are hearing…

Exercise of the Month: The Plank
Posted in: Orthopaedic & Sports PhysiotherapyThis exercise has endless benefits for fitness and injury prevention. It not only builds core strength, but also works the shoulders, hamstrings, quadriceps and low back. It is an excellent exercise for the prevention of low back injuries, and gaining…