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Infant Feeding – Recent Changes to the Health Canada Guidelines
Posted in: Occupational TherapyHow long (if at all) should I be breastfeeding my baby? When is the right time to start introducing solid foods to my baby? What foods should I be offering my baby? Have you ever found yourself debating the answer…

Effective (and Affordable) Home Exercise Tools
Posted in: Orthopaedic & Sports PhysiotherapyFoam Roller The possibilities are endless when using a foam roller to help heal an injury, deepen a stretch, reduce tension or even facilitate core strengthening. Physiotherapists recommend the foam roller for the relief of Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB), mid…

Good Choices for Healthy Voices
Posted in: Speech-Language PathologyAchieving and maintaining a healthy voice is very important for both you and your child. Changing your vocal habits in order to establish a healthy voice may take some work, but it’s well-worth the effort. The vocal folds, which affect…