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    We help find solutions to the management of your child's health and well-being.

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    Becoming a Mindful Parent Part 2

    Posted in: Psychology

    In the previous post we defined mindfulness and its benefits. We would now like to turn to how you can begin to practice mindfulness in your own life and apply it to your way of parenting. 1. Breathe. Simple? No,…

    Make it Multi-Sensory

    Posted in: Occupational Therapy

    With the beginning of school just a couple weeks away, sharpening up those pencils and cleaning out that craft center is sure to be on the agenda. Summer tends to be a well-deserved break for children, allowing them to spend…

    What is Sever’s Disease?

    Posted in: Orthopaedic & Sports Physiotherapy

    Parents are understandably concerned when their child has been given a diagnosis of Sever’s disease from their family doctor or pediatrician. Sever’s disease, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, is an inflammation of the heel’s growth plate. It is commonly seen…
