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    We help find solutions to the management of your child's health and well-being.

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    Idiopathic Toe Walking

    Posted in: Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapy

    Have you noticed that your child walks on his/her tip toes when he/she walks? Does he/she seem to spend a lot of time balancing on the balls of his/her feet instead of standing with his/her feet flat on the ground?…

    Would a Developmental Assessment be Right for My Child?

    Posted in: Psychology

    Many families seek out psychological services early on in a child’s life (18 months – 4 years), due to concerns about his or her development. They may be following up on recommendations of their family doctor or pediatrician. Concerns may…

    Putting the ‘Self’ in Self-Regulation

    Posted in: Occupational Therapy

    Self-regulation has become a well-recognized and important skill that children of all ages are expected to utilize. In fact, most report cards in Ontario now have a self-regulation section, which tends to be equally as significant as the measurements of…
