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    How to Prevent Soccer Injuries This Summer

    Posted in: Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine

    The summer soccer season is quickly approaching! Soccer is one of the most popular sports in Canada; it is played by men and women of all ages and various skill levels. Children can often be seen kicking soccer balls around…

    Tips to Build Language in Everyday Situations

    Posted in: Speech-Language Pathology

    Part 2: Talking During Bath Time Does this ever happen to you? You come home from a long day of work, make dinner, eat, clean up, rush the kids upstairs for their bath and bedtime, and put them to sleep,…

    Flattened Head Syndrome or Positional Plagiocephaly

    Posted in: Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapy

    What is Flattened Head Syndrome/Positional Plagiocephaly? Flattened head syndrome or positional plagiocephaly refers to flattening of the skull in young babies. This can happen on one side (plagiocephaly), or in the middle, causing the head to look high and ‘cone…
