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Ways to Promote Gross Motor Development in Babies
Posted in: Neurodevelopmental PhysiotherapyMany parents ask me how they can improve their child’s development, specifically in the gross motor domain. Below are some general tips that you can implement at home to assist with the acquisition of gross motor skills. Get down to your babies level.…

Picking Apart Picky Eating
Posted in: Occupational TherapyAlmost any parent can relate, at least to some degree, with one/some of the following statements: My child refuses to eat certain foods by throwing them on the floor My child wont open his/her mouth to an approaching spoon My…

Ways to Prepare for a Family Vacation
Posted in: PsychologyI recently returned from a vacation, feeling exhausted. While I had benefited from a bit of extra sleep, the warmth of the sun, and was able to get away from my computer for the span of a week, I was…