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    We help find solutions to the management of your child's health and well-being.

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    Overtraining in Youth

    Posted in: Orthopaedic & Sports Physiotherapy

    Picture this: Your 8 year old daughter loves gymnastics. You happily sign her up for weekly classes at the local gymnastics club. All of a sudden, her coach approaches you and says that she thinks your daughter has ‘real’ talent…

    Research Round Up: Psychology in the News

    Posted in: Psychology

    This week’s blog post brings attention to some new and exciting research in the world of psychology. As psychologists, our training emphasized both research and practice. Our work at Boomerang Health brings both worlds together as our work is evidence-based:…

    Feeding Challenges Found in the Camp Setting

    Posted in: Occupational Therapy

    Growing up, camp was always the most important thing in my life. Some of my fondest childhood memories are from my 15 summers spent at camp (both day and overnight). Ironically, my interest in occupational therapy (OT) actually started when…
