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Effective Strategies to Manage Negative Behaviours using Positive Reinforcement
Posted in: Blog, PsychologyBy now most of us are firmly settled into the new year and summer is but a distant memory. Between morning routines, after-school activities, dinner time and homework, there is no shortage of opportunities for stress and conflicts. As such,…

Learn the Truths about Massage Therapy
Posted in: MassageEveryone is different and some people are more sensitive than others, but just because you don’t feel sore the next day, doesn’t mean you had a bad massage…

Let’s Talk, School Talk
Posted in: Speech-Language PathologyWith school being back in full swing, parents are often wondering how they can promote conversation regarding their child’s day at school. Common answers to the question, “what did you do at school today?” include “I don’t know” or “I…