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Mindful Parenting: The Gift of Time
Posted in: Blog, Psychology“The wonderful gift of mindfulness is that we can stop ourselves and ask: What am I feeling? What is it like from my child’s point of view? When you can do that, you often see things that you didn’t let…

Back to School and Massage
Posted in: Blog, MassageAlong with all of the back to school excitement may come some anxiety and/or stress for your child. Maybe they are starting kindergarten, or attending a new school, or perhaps they didn’t get that teacher they had hoped for. As…

Emotional First Aid
Posted in: PsychologyFrom the moment I watched the TED talk by Dr. Guy Winch, PhD (see below), it was like a light bulb flashing brightly in my practice. Think about this: If your child gets a cut or a scrape, you will…