Author Archives: Kaite Chircop, BPHE (Hons), MSc.PT

About Kaite Chircop, BPHE (Hons), MSc.PT

Kaite Chircop is a registered physiotherapist with over 7 years of experience. She is passionate about paediatric healthcare and is excited to be part of the team at Boomerang Health. She has a special interest in treating plagiocephaly and torticollis, as well as developmental assessments for young children.

Ways to Promote Gross Motor Development in Babies

Many parents ask me how they can improve their child’s development, specifically in the gross motor domain. Below are some general tips that you can implement at home to assist with the acquisition of gross motor skills. Get down to your babies level.…

Flattened Head Syndrome or Positional Plagiocephaly

What is Flattened Head Syndrome/Positional Plagiocephaly? Flattened head syndrome or positional plagiocephaly refers to flattening of the skull in young babies. This can happen on one side (plagiocephaly), or in the middle, causing the head to look high and ‘cone…

Ten Tips to Get Active this Winter

Winter is slowly creeping up (again)! Here are some cold weather tips to keep active and healthy this winter! 1) Get outside Being properly dressed for the weather turns an unpleasant outing into a pleasant one. Invest in snow suits,…