Author Archives: Jordana Schwarz, MSc.OT., OT Reg. (Ont.)
Putting the ‘Self’ in Self-Regulation
Self-regulation has become a well-recognized and important skill that children of all ages are expected to utilize. In fact, most report cards in Ontario now have a self-regulation section, which tends to be equally as significant as the measurements of…
Make it Multi-Sensory
With the beginning of school just a couple weeks away, sharpening up those pencils and cleaning out that craft center is sure to be on the agenda. Summer tends to be a well-deserved break for children, allowing them to spend…
Infant Feeding – Recent Changes to the Health Canada Guidelines
How long (if at all) should I be breastfeeding my baby? When is the right time to start introducing solid foods to my baby? What foods should I be offering my baby? Have you ever found yourself debating the answer…