Author Archives: Jordana Schwarz, MSc.OT., OT Reg. (Ont.)

About Jordana Schwarz, MSc.OT., OT Reg. (Ont.)

Jordana is a certified Occupational Therapist who received a Master of Science degree in Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy from the University of Toronto and an Honour’s Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Western Ontario. Jordana is a member in good standing of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (COTO) and the Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists (OSOT).

Putting the ‘Self’ in Self-Regulation

Self-regulation has become a well-recognized and important skill that children of all ages are expected to utilize. In fact, most report cards in Ontario now have a self-regulation section, which tends to be equally as significant as the measurements of…

Make it Multi-Sensory

With the beginning of school just a couple weeks away, sharpening up those pencils and cleaning out that craft center is sure to be on the agenda. Summer tends to be a well-deserved break for children, allowing them to spend…

Infant Feeding – Recent Changes to the Health Canada Guidelines

How long (if at all) should I be breastfeeding my baby? When is the right time to start introducing solid foods to my baby? What foods should I be offering my baby? Have you ever found yourself debating the answer…