Author Archives: Carolyn Davidson, M.A., Reg. CASLPO
Back to School Communication Tips
For many kids, starting back at school is an exciting time. It means seeing old friends and making new ones. But for kids with social communication challenges, “back to school” has a different meaning. Kids who struggle in social situations…
Five Tips to Help your Toddler Start Talking
As discussed in a previous blog (Myths and Truths about Late Talkers), there are many misconceptions when it comes to late talkers. Now that we know what a late talker is, let’s chat about what we can do. Here are…
Tips to Build Language in Everyday Situations
Part 2: Talking During Bath Time Does this ever happen to you? You come home from a long day of work, make dinner, eat, clean up, rush the kids upstairs for their bath and bedtime, and put them to sleep,…