Author Archives: About Kids Health

About About Kids Health

AboutKidsHealth is a leading non-profit information source for children’s health. All of the content posted is unbiased, evidence based, and trusted as it was written in collaboration with over 300 SickKids paediatric health specialists. For more information, visit

AboutKidsHealth: Where’s the Snooze Button? Sleep Tips for Children and Teens

Now that spring has sprung, the clocks have jumped forward, and March Break is but a distant memory, many parents notice that getting their child to sleep at night is a challenge. Brighter evenings and later bedtimes tend to throw…

AboutKidsHealth: Developing an ASD Program for Your Child

At Boomerang Health, we frequently get calls from parents whose child has recently received a diagnosis of ASD, and have no clue where to begin. It is understandably an overwhelming time, and with so much information available, it can be…