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    Have you ever considered a paediatric massage for your child? Here’s why you should!

    For many, the added value of massage therapy in adults is easy to see.   

    Whether it’s to improve pain and blood flow, or for general relaxation, most can understand and relate to why adults seek out massage.   

    When it comes to children, the benefits of massage therapy may not be as obvious – but there are many.   

    Keep reading to learn about the benefits of massage therapy in the infant and youth population.   

    Benefits of Massage Therapy for Infants 

    1. Helps baby/child sleep deeper and more soundly. 

    Massage helps babies wind down and transition into a restful state. The gentle pressure of massage can increase the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep cycles. Additionally, a calming massage routine can provide gentle cues to your child that it’s time for sleep. This creates a soothing bedtime ritual that can lead to longer and more restorative sleep periods for baby and ultimately for you too. 

    2. Promotes relaxation and helps babies self-regulate and calm. 

    Infant massage fosters a sense of security and comfort, allowing babies to feel more relaxed. The physical touch can lower cortisol levels – the stress hormone, – helping babies learn to manage their emotions and stress responses. Over time, this can enhance their ability to self-soothe, which is crucial for emotional regulation as they grow. 

    3. Enhances neurological development. 

    Massage stimulates sensory pathways and promotes the development of neural connections in the brain. This sensory stimulation is vital during the early months and years of life, as it lays the foundation for cognitive functions. Regular massage can enhance motor skills and coordination, as the tactile experience encourages exploration and interaction with their environment. 

    4. Relieves the discomforts of gas, teething, colic and tight muscles. 

    Massage can be a gentle and effective way to alleviate common infant discomforts. Techniques such as tummy massage can help release trapped gas and relieve constipation.  Gentle pressure on the gums can ease teething pain.  Gentle strokes along the neck and shoulder girdle can ease tension that may be contributing to your baby having a preference to turn their head to only one side.  

    5. Stimulates all of the physiological systems. 

    The benefits of massage extend beyond relaxation and comfort; it actively engages various physiological systems. By stimulating the circulatory system, massage improves blood flow and oxygen delivery throughout the body. It also activates the lymphatic system, supporting immune function. Moreover, the tactile stimulation helps spark neural activity, promoting the growth and branching of neurons, which is essential for overall brain development and function. 

    Massage Therapy Benefits for young children and adolescents 

    1. Decreases musculoskeletal pain and speeds up the overall healing process 

    Massage therapy can help alleviate musculoskeletal pain in children, particularly those who are active. Massage can reduce tension and improve circulation, promoting healing in injured or strained muscles. Increased blood flow aids in delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to tissues, accelerating recovery. Additionally, massage may help relieve discomfort from conditions such as growing pains or delayed onset muscle soreness after physical activity. 

    2. Increases body awareness and neurological development 

    Through massage, children develop a heightened sense of body awareness, known as proprioception. This awareness is crucial for coordinating movements and understanding spatial orientation. As children engage in massage, they learn to recognize different sensations and how their bodies respond, which can improve their overall gross motor skills. The neurological development associated with this process involves the formation of neural pathways that support movement coordination, balance and proprioception.  

    3. Decreases levels of cortisol and blood glucose levels 

    Regular massage can lead to significant reductions in cortisol levels, which helps mitigate the effects of stress. Lower cortisol levels are linked to improved mood and emotional stability. Furthermore, reduced stress can also lower blood glucose levels, promoting better overall health. A calmer state of mind enhances the body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases.  By promoting relaxation, massage promotes a healthier immune system in children. 

    4. Stimulates motor development 

    Massage can be instrumental in encouraging motor development in children. By stimulating muscles and joints, massage helps improve flexibility, strength, and coordination. Specific techniques can target major muscle groups, supporting the development of both gross motor skills (like crawling and walking) and fine motor skills (such as grasping and manipulating objects). As children engage in these activities, they build confidence in their physical abilities, fostering a positive attitude towards movement. 

    5. Stimulates cognitive development (increased alertness as well as speed and accuracy) 

    Massage enhances cognitive development by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, which creates an optimal learning environment. When children are calm and comfortable, their ability to focus and process information improves. Additionally, the tactile experiences of massage stimulate neural connections that contribute to cognitive growth. Increased alertness, coupled with enhanced speed and accuracy in task performance, can positively impact a child’s ability to learn new skills, solve problems, and engage with their surroundings effectively. 

    Now that you’re aware of the incredible benefits massage therapy can offer your child—from improved sleep and relaxation to enhanced physical and cognitive development— book a massage with a Registered Massage Therapist at Boomerang Health today! Call us at (905) 553-3155, or fill out an online contact form here 

    About Boomerang Health

    Boomerang Health is an independent and wholly owned paediatric healthcare centre by The Hospital for Sick Children.
